International PhD Program in Immunology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry

Decanato - Facoltà di scienze biomediche

Data: 4 Marzo 2021 / 12:00 - 13:00

IRB conference room, or virtual

International PhD Program in Immunology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry

Speaker: Prof. Andrea Ablasser

Seminar title: “Sensing DNA as a danger signal through the cGAS-STING pathway”

From: Associate Professor at EPFL, Head of Ablasser Lab – Innate Immunity

Host: Silvia Monticelli

Virtual conference (Zoom)


- April 22 - Guido Silvestri (US) Emory University 
- May 26 - Steve West (UK) Francis Crick Institute University of Cambridge

Seminars supported by the Gustav & Ruth Jacob Foundation

For details and updates, check the IRB website