InnoSuisse grant for research in cardiovascular bioengineering


Institutional Communication Service

28 October 2019

A competitive research grant in cardiovascular bioengineering has been awarded to Prof. Dr. Med. Stefanos Demertzis and PD Dr. Stijn Vandenberghe at the Cardiocentro Ticino.

The PD Dr. Stijn Vandenberghe (PhD) and Prof. Dr. med. Stefanos Demertzis, lecturer and professor respectively at the USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, with the valuable support of Mrs. Maria Montilla (grant manager), have obtained the approval of InnoSuisse (former CTI) for a competitive grant of CHF 250.000. The contribution is aimed at the development of a "smart" device, designed for use in the operating room in order to prevent gas embolisms during open-heart cardiac surgery.

This project is part of a series of research projects - both clinical at the Cardiocentro Ticino and laboratory at the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Group of the Foundation for Cardiological Research and Training (FCRE) - focused on the best prevention of brain complications (strokes) during heart operations.
The allocation of funding reinforces the approach to translational (bench to bedside) and multidimensional (clinical and pre-clinical research) research in close and mutually stimulating collaboration between engineers and cardiac surgeons.