Bachelor of Medicine

The Bachelor of Medicine is a 3-year programme of basic training, enabling students upon graduation to continue with the Master of Medicine (three years medical training).

USI allows 30 students to enroll in the Bachelor courses, due to a joint agreements with the University of Basel (UNIBAS) and the University of Berne (UniBE). According to these agreements, students are matriculated at USI but will attend their Bachelor curriculum entirely at UNIBAS or UniBE. During that time, they hold the status of host-students, fully accepted and with equal access, study programme, exams, etc. as regular students enrolled in that specific University.



The Bachelor of Medicine is carried out integrally in German in both Universities.


After the Bachelor

For the Master of Medicine, the students enrolled at USI have a guaranteed admission at USI once their Bachelor is successfully completed. 


Admission to the Bachelor of Medicine

For information on admission to the Bachelor of Medicine at USI please refere to the following page: