IBSA Foundation scholarships awarded also to students at the USI Master's degree in Medicine

The awarding of the IBSA scholarships at the University of Basel, in 2019 (to the left, Silvia Misiti; to the right, standing, Mario Bianchetti)
The awarding of the IBSA scholarships at the University of Basel, in 2019 (to the left, Silvia Misiti; to the right, standing, Mario Bianchetti)

Institutional Communication Service

23 November 2020

The IBSA Foundation for Scientific Research has awarded 70 scholarships to students in Medicine at USI Università della Svizzera italiana, last week in virtual mode due to the impossibility to organise the customary ceremony in attendance. This year, for the first time, scholarships were awarded also to Master's degree students.

For the fourth consecutive year, the IBSA Foundation offers medical students enrolled at USI the opportunity to apply for a scholarship, which is renewable from year to year throughout their training, starting with the three-year Bachelor's degree - at the University of Basel - and continuing with the Master's degree in Ticino. The Director of the IBSA Foundation, Silvia Misiti, says: "we believe we can contribute to creating a very innovative Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, capable of attracting students and talented professors from all over the world, while also sharing our projects and the results we have achieved over the years. The goal is to have a Faculty able to train doctors with greater awareness of a more comprehensive concept of health".

The Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Prof. Dr. med. Mario Bianchetti notes that "the semester fee at USI is higher than that of other public universities in Switzerland. The IBSA Foundation scholarships, which amount to two thousand Swiss francs each, compensate for this difference and thus make studying medicine in Ticino more attractive".


For further information on scholarships for the USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences:

About the IBSA Foundation for scientific research: