Corsa della Speranza (Run for Hope) is coming to Bellinzona
Human Immunity: One Cell At A Time
USI incontra Federico Faggin - Oltre le percezioni: fascino e mistero della fisica quantistica
International PhD Program in Cancer Biology and Oncology
Arte che cura - Visual strategic thinking in medicina
Arte che cura - Come l'arte cambia il nostro cervello
Arte che cura - I musei fanno davvero stare meglio?
Current events
Seminars in biomedical Neurosciences - Markus Rüegg
Domenica in biblioteca: "Lento viaggiare"
Summer school - BioInformatics meets BioSimulations in protein and DNA studies: from theory to practice
Lenstra Lecture (2019) - Prof. Joanna Wardlaw, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Uomo e donna in cardiologia. Per una medicina delle differenze
USI presents the first Ph.D Biomed Day
Population Neuroscience & Dementia
IRB Seminar - Klaus Eyer, Functional Immunerepertoireanalysis, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, CH
Seminars in biomedical Neurosciences - Kathleen Seidel
IRB Seminar - Michael Hust, Research group leader, Department of Biotechnology, Institute for Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, DE
Basic principles of neuropatic pain management: Assessment and intervention - Dr. med Paolo Maino
The geography of emotions: Leveraging social media for mental health studies
IRB Seminar - Jacob Corn, Professur für Genombiologie, Institute of Molecular Health Sciences, Department of Biology, ETH Zurich, Zurich, CH
IRB Seminar - Christiane Ruedl, Professor, Nanyang Technology University 's School of Biological Sciences, Singapore, SG
IRB Seminar - Hedda Wardemann, Head of Division, B Cell Immunology, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, DE
IRB Seminar - Lisa Purcell, PhD, Senior Staff Scientist, Infectious Diseases and Scientific Director, Secondary Education Programs, Regeneron Inc., Tarrytown, NY, US
IRB Seminar - Sergio Abrignani, Chief Scientific Officer, Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare INGM "Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi" and Full Professor of General Pathology, University of Milan, Milan, IT
IRB Seminar - Alan Korman, PhD, SVP, Head of Immunology, Vir Biotechnology, Inc., San Francisco, CA, United States
IRB Seminar - Donata Vercelli, MD, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Director Arizona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseases; Associate Director Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Seminars in biomedical Neurosciences - Daniel Kirschenbaum