Elective term

The Elective term starts after the fourth semester of the Master (beginning of July) and ends after the fifth semester (end of February). During this time, students are required to engage for at least 6 months in full-time internships at different clinics of their own choosing.

At the clinics, students will be employed as medical candidates (CandMed) and will work under the strict supervision of assistant physicians.

Students must insert their CandMed programme via the platform GeSTU, where they find the link to the tool "CandMedInternships".


Responsibility and deadlines

Every student is responsible for the organisation of his/her own internship.

All students must insert into “CandMedInternships” the entire programme of their Elective term and submit it online by 30 May of the fourth semester. If the programme is in line with the requirements and the deadlines, it will be approved.

After completion of each internship, the responsible physician will receive an email to confirm the CandMed’s engagement. Once all confirmations have been submitted (lastest by 31 March of the sixth semester), the ECTS will be accredited.

For further details, please refer to the Directives for the Elective Term.


Suggested CandMed positions in Ticino

- At EOC

- At Istituto Cardiocentro

- At Clinica Luganese Moncucco (contact person: Cristiano Canuti, HR; +41 (0)91 960 81 40; [email protected])

- At Clinica psichiatrica Viarnetto (contact person: Lorenza Bolzani, [email protected])

- At Clinica psichiatrica cantonale (contact: 091 816 55 30 [email protected])

- In family doctor practices: a list of doctors interested in having CandMeds is available (on request) at the Dean's Office.